健康產品 |
帳篷產品 |
包裝及印刷產品 |
紙展示架 |
紓適寧在2004年成立於香港,本著以優質保健品為人們最大的本錢 - 身體健康增值, 公司使命, 人人 健康美麗、遠離危疾。 |
帳篷皇 Smarky Limited 專業 生產不銹鋼架、鋁合金加厚鋁架、A級鐵架易摺合帳篷。 |
金譽印刷有限公司於1993年由一個專業印刷團隊所組成, 總部設於香港,生產線位於廣東省東莞市虎門鎮, 主要生產及出口中、高檔包裝及印刷產品到世界各地達二十多年。 |
紙展示架 ,紙貨架,紙陳列架,紙展示盒設計生產廠商 |
Deansenew Knitting Mfy Ltd
針織配件 |
Jenny And Patrick Marketing Co Ltd 商標註冊 |
409 Shop Limited
對講機產品 |
JSNA Asia Enterprises Ltd
專業包裝材料製造商 |
DEANSENEW KNITTING MFY. LTD was established in 1993. After years of development, we are as one of the main manufacturers and exporters of knitting accessories. We are specialised in providing knitting, hand-knitting, hand-crocheted, embroidery and beading products. |
【栢珍妮策劃】致力於知識產權策劃及推廣"一站式知識產權申請服務" 專業服務, 服務不僅只在知識產權範圍提供服務,而且在非知識產權服務相結合,整合和互補。 提供全面的服務 ,支持企業在創新過程的各個階段,從 發展無形資產商業化。 服務重點是知識產權管理的各個階段,從不同活動及培訓中,提高客戶有關知識產權管理方案。 |
409集團有限公司, 專營對講機產品及有關儀器及配件零售及批發,產品包括: 專業對講機、網絡對講機、對講機天線、皮套、充電器、耳機、電池、車充、寫頻線等產品。409 Shop提供專業意見為客戶及各企業提供電訊及通訊設備。
香港捷力亞洲企業有限公司, 擁有超過十年豐富經驗, 在香港經營進出口批發包裝機器及材料業務, 每年營業額高達美金150,000,000.
因業務所須, 並為增加對客戶提供最優良的服務及最高質量的產品, 在東莞市大朗鎮購地 90,000 平方尺, 自建廠房, 引進最新最先進全自動擠出流延膜機生產線三條, 專業生產高質量雙向拉伸膜, 。 |
Daiwa Metal Works Co Ltd
專業製造招牌生產及訂制 |
Ocean Digital Technology LTD
專業音響產品 |
New Genius Ltd
健康磁性首飾 |
Smart One Technology (HK) Co Ltd 智能卡產品 |
大華金屬超過20年專業製造招牌生產及訂制服務經驗,提供如燈箱,燈字,鋼字,金屬字,膠字,水牌,指示牌,告示牌,報告箱,鋼箱,信箱,門抽,膠版,噴畫,陳列架等金屬制品制作。 |
Ocean Digital 成立於1992年.以專業的音響知識及團隊,致力為本地及海外商戶製造高音質,創新及易用的電子產品。 我們專注於廣泛的音響產品,當中包括DAB收音機,網絡收音機,3D立體聲及藍牙喇叭等等...如此同時我們的研發團隊不斷開發及改善產品,並透過自動化將生產成本降低,務求為顧客帶來高品質及價錢吸引的音響產品
Noproblem Ion Balance Bracelets/Necklaces release negative ions from multiple sources,to provide the maximum benefit and protection to your body. |
Best Fortune Manufacturing Ltd Watch manufacturer |
Wai Tat Enterprises Int'l Holdings Ltd 專業包裝用品生產 |
禮品生產商 |
Harvest Wealth Development Ltd Small home appliance |
Established in 1984, Best Fortune Manufacturing Ltd is a professional fashion watch manufacturer, clocks and electronic items for upscale consumer market and promotion market. Our product line including promotional watches, ceramic watches, stainless steel watches, children watch and digital watch. We are also alumium watch suppliers. |
Wai Tat Jewellery Box Ltd, Wai Tat Enterprises Int’l Holdings Ltd is a professional box packaging company in Hong Kong with more than 20 years experiences. The company was renamed in 2006. It has gained the leading position in packaging industry by providing supreme quality of products and a variety of innovated concepts. |
Established in 1998, Emori Products Company Limited has been performing as a professional supplier in the field of promotional products. We have engaged in the manufacturing of some main products, i.e. plastic and microfiber products since 1998. |
Me Too! is a trendy small home appliance brand with base in Hong Kong and is launched under the concept of “The Joy of Sharing”. We are supplying various product categories - |
Castle Peak Heritage Ltd
Beauty |
EPR International Co. Ltd
Automobiles & Motorcycles,Gifts & Crafts |
Universal Plastic & Metal Manufacturing Limited
專業生產膠袋 |
de Luce, the national flower of France, is a symbol of romance, beauty, and enjoyment of life. These are the contral ideas that de Luce is looking for. de Luce commits to provide high quality cosmetic products to person like you who wants to pursue and enjoys beautiful life. |
EP Racing Ltd. was established in 2004 and has now become one of the most well-known automotive styling equipment suppliers in Europe. We have direct access to more than 30 manufacturrs from the Far East including lapan, Hong China. |
明記五金製品有限公司是一間擁有豐富經驗的出口商及生產商。其主要產品是由鋅合金製成的高尚金屬產品,以及其他金屬產品(包括:銅、鐵、鋁、不銹鋼及失蠟"亦可稱作精鑄銅")。如果有需要,我們更可為你打造無叻及無鉛的產品給經常會接觸到皮膚的商品,如:手袋五金,金屬首飾類產品等。 |
寰宇五金塑膠製品廠 是一家擁有ISO 9001認證的香港廠商,專業生產膠袋和各種一次性塑膠薄膜產品(如PE聚乙烯、PO、MDPE、PP聚丙烯、BOPP、CPE/EVA),在這行業有40餘年歷史。
公司總部位於香港,工廠分別設於廣東東莞 (擁有完善的食品級包裝膠袋生產車間) 和江西興國縣。 |
電子商務平台 |
Lady Kingdom (International) Ltd
美甲 化妝品 |
Pristine Living Limited
簡約養生 |
Team Well Solution Limited
Logistics |
Buy For Me随着電子商務業務的發展,現有的電子商務平台已經漸漸無法滿足本地龐大消費市場的需求。在香港市場對海外商品需求不斷增大的趨勢下,BFMe.hk應運而生。BFMe.hk打造爲一個服務型平台,我們爲用戶提供物流支持,支付工具,建立線上商城,店鋪代運營以及市場推廣和品牌營銷等一系列服務。從2015年3月成立至今, Buy For Me的全國辦公點由1個增加到4個,海外團隊覆蓋日本、歐洲等國家。 |
“簡約養生”是我們的公司名稱,也代表我們的經營理念。“簡約”是一種生活態度- 追求簡樸的生活方式、珍惜資源、不沉迷物質享受等。“養生”是生活的實踐 – 保持心境開朗、作息定時、著重飲食健康、愛護自然環境等。我們相信,這種理念可以幫助每個人達到身、心、靈的平衡、健康和快樂。 |
Team Well is a Hong Kong base freight forwarding company which is specific for logistics solution in international trade. The average working experience of our professional team members are more 10 years to handle difference parts of logistics mode. |
TTI Industrial Limited |
Microtech Technology Co. Ltd
液晶顯示模組生產 |
Cleanic Cleaning Equipment Limited 專業清潔器材 |
Ngai Tin Enterprise- Chelsea
香薰家族 |
TTI has been in business for years, we are experienced in developing tooling, injection, assembling and printing (silk print, pad print, heat transfer, foil and etc) as well as packaging for our customers. |
邁高達科技有限公司,成立於 2001年,總部位於深圳龍華。是一家集專業設計、研發、生產、銷售為一體的液晶顯示模組生產企業;現有上百種產品,包括液晶顯示模組和觸摸面板TN、FSTN、TFT、RTP、CTP,其產品具有抗干擾能力強、溫度範圍寬、對比度強、亮度高,回應速度快、視角寬、功耗低等優點。
「健力清潔器材有限公司」憑著超過20年的市場經驗,迅速把市場網路擴展至全中國重點城市。我們於2002年開始更精選各類適合海外市場的產品,正式營運對外出口業務。健力清潔器材有限公司正式成立並提供專業的清潔器材。90年我們一直以「關注產品及服務質素」為重心,採用先進的科技管理生產流程以更切合各個不同市場所需。 |
主要生產加工各種純天然的單方精油、複方精油、基礎油、中藥精油、水療精油、牛奶沐浴油等各種精油,以及各種純天然的護膚膏霜,純露,海泥,體膜等美容產品,是一個現代化的香薰產品加工企業。 |
Supreme Factory Ltd |
Tech-Top Technology Limited |
Global Team Products (HK) Ltd 口腔用具 |
Sunny Sky Corporation Ltd
SupremeFactory is a world leading distributor of video games accessories, video games hardware, games, electronics, toys and action figures. We offer the largest catalogue of video games related products with thousands of accessories to choose from, to give you the choice from several similar products from different brands, styles and prices for all top sellers. |
Tech-Top Technology Limited is a leading manufacturer of computer and smartphone / tablet accessories. The name - Tech-Top, meaning we are always stand on top of technology. We are enthusiastic in research and development field. Undoubtedly, continuous innovation and improvement on the variety and quality of the products are the only way to be success and outstanding. |
專營口腔用具及產品 |
專售純天然水晶擺設, 並且可以根據客戶的需求量身訂做。一直以注重產品質素為本, 故此我們會專程到不同地區, 如巴西里約熱內盧採購優質材料,並以專業人員進行手工雕刻, 務求力臻完美, 製作出獨一無二的產品!
我們推售的產品可成為大家於節日、婚宴、畢業、開張送禮的“晶”選佳品。我們隨時準備為每一位客戶提供卓越的增值服務, 創製出令客戶稱心滿意的優質產品。 |
MayCard Ltd |
LMHK Consultant Ltd. |
RCW Group
理財顧問 |
MayCard Passion Sticker is a smart sticker for adding video message to the things you sending. You can use MayCard Passion Sticker on every items. For example Gift, Postcard, Cards, Tags… It can transfer your video message that with your heart to the one. |
以香港為主要服務,以「發揮天賦,燃亮人生」為宗旨。發揮不同範疇致力為學校/慈善機構/公司網絡及市場策劃。 以達至人盡其才,全人發展的目標。
公司主要業務為巿場策劃及各項基金申請,並一直致力為中小企服務。 |
聰誠會計師事務所有限公司及聰誠資產管理有限公司是由一名資深會計師所創立。憑藉會計師超過15年經驗,協助超過 500 間中小企面對各種疑難包括會計、核數、稅務、公司營運、財務、盡職審查、法定所需文件、公司成立或集團及會計賬務處理等等。 |
中輝偉創集團擁有資深的理財顧問團隊,致力打造一個一站式的投資理財平台 , 照顧商業及個人客戶不同的財務需求。我們的業務函蓋投資理財、一般商業及個人保險、企業融資及移民服務。
針對內地信貸趨緊及中小企融資困難局面,我們致力為內地企業搜尋不同融資,安排融資。 |
Logistic and E-commerce |
China-Asean Entrepreneurship Centre Ltd. |
Ocean Rich Garment Accessories Company Limited Garment Accessories |
Laps Solutions Limited
Software Developemnt & web design |
Logistic and E-commerce |
China-Asean Entrepreneurship Centre Ltd. |
Garment Accessories |
Software Developemnt & web design |
Speed Dragon Multimedia Ltd
Multimedia Service |
Sparkoncept Ltd
Power Bank |
Leader Lab Software Ltd
IT Business Management Software System |
Wetown Asia Limited
Wechat marketing |
Speed Dragon Multimedia Limited established in 1996, is a global manufacturer of computer peripherals and multimedia devices. We have a team of electronic engineers, software engineers, mechanical engineers and industrial & product designers, with more than 20 years experience in the computer hardware industry. We design, manufacture, and market PCI-Express and PCI add-on card, ExpressCard and Cardbus adapter, hard disk enclosure, Network Attached Storage (NAS), IrDA, WIFI, Certified Wireless USB and Bluetooth device, USB VoIP phone, and other multimedia products. |
Our 14 years of experience leading us to provide the best solution to our client worldwide. Starting from idea scratches, samples development, packing design, manufacturing progress and shipping. Our main focus on the responsibility of the quality and sharp delivery timing, it guiding our co-partnership working with us in a decade. We are looking for a long term partnership and toward the win-win goal together. |
Leader Lab has established in Hong Kong since 1998. It helps enterprises continuously grow by building competitive advantages using business software systems. Nowadays, enterprises are not only facing the rapid change of business model, from traditional offline business to online business (O2O), but also needing to extend their branches in multiple countries. |
WETOWN (ASIA) LIMITED 成立於 2016 年,由開始只有一位 創辦人於咖啡室獨自工作,
至今擁有共同營運共享商務 中心,及中港營運團隊,我們深知創業者及營商者的需要,
我們 專注為香港及海外企業提供微信營銷服務,是市場上獨有結合 傳統市場推廣及數碼營銷的專家團隊,為客人度身訂造營銷計劃,並以全球獨有微企伴 4.0 系統,配合專業服務,為客戶提供 : 設計及營運微信公眾號, 活動推廣,廣告投放,設計小程序,以及多種線上線下方法, 為企業有效利用資源打進中國龐大市場。 |
Global Environment Technology Engineering Ltd |
Innovative Enterprise Consultant Limited |
Bags Manufacturing |
Sunnex Products Limited
Hotel and Catering Equipment |
一站式節能方案 |
Innovative Enterprise is a solution focusing company on assisting different corporate all around the world to engage their customers across various boundaries, especially the China and South East Asia market.
We have a well experienced technical team in Hong Kong to build enterprise application, e-Commerce application, mobile applications and websites. Also, we can also provide payment solution to help merchants collect their payment various different channels. |
Good Decision International Limited is a well-established BAG MAKER of all types, ranging from sports bags, travel bags, computer bags, backpacks and fashion bags, that can exceed your requirements and with reasonable prices. |
Sunnex Products Limited continually adheres to the fine traditions: Honesty, Innovative Products Designs and Supreme Quality and Service. Sunnex’s steady and secure operation enables Sunnex brand to gain valuable support and trust from our customers. |
Omakase Trading Company Limited
Retailing, distribution, beauty, adult products |
All Time Healthy Co Ltd
Import & distribution for Health Supplement and Health Products. |
Jasmed Garden Limited
東の茶 |
MP2 International Co Ltd |
Retailing, distribution, beauty, adult products |
我們致力於只提供準確而可靠的信息 |
東の茶憑著在行業超過二十多年的經驗,一直堅持產品的功效和品質,在功能茶飲上具有領導地位。我們認為,茶之道並不在於任何規範,而是一種生活態度 – 享受屬於自己的生活節奏,品茶同時追求健康。東の茶知道食品安全對消費者的重要性,這亦是東の茶在產品上的首要任務。儘管茶飲產品在經過沸水沖泡時已經殺死90%以上的細菌,東の茶還是認為需要做足雙重檢測,包括原產地及香港標準。 |
Ms Lady 是一個香港原創品牌,我們深信愛美是女人的天性。正因如此,女士 們很著緊自己的面部、頭髮等保養,會為了面部肌膚購買各式各樣的保養品! 而 乳房作為女性的「第三張面」,為何胸部就不可以有同樣的保養概念? 言而要 將胸部保養概念普及,就需要將其塑造為簡單、方便的貼身用品,是安坐家中 就能完成的日常習慣,而「敷面膜」不就是女士們日常肌膚保養的重要環節嗎? 為此,Ms Lady的第一款皇牌產品「YMY提拉胸膜」的概念誕生了! |
Digpro Group Ltd
Photography Equipments |
Realogistics International Group Co Ltd Logistics |
E-commerce System Technology Ltd |
DIGPRO 致力於研發及銷售商品攝影設備,主要銷售產品包括輕便型-智能攝影棚、360 ° 攝影轉盤、各式各樣攝影棚、三腳架、影室燈光及背景布等攝影用品。DIGPRO亦為客戶提供商品攝影服務及攝影教學班,並推廣商品攝影DIY普及化。
DIGPRO的攝影設備為用家提供一個方便、快捷、低成本的商品拍攝方法。配合智能攝影棚,用家能即時拍攝出全白背景、無陰影、無反光的專業產品照片。另外加設360 ° 攝影轉盤,用家只需要數分鐘便能製作出360 ° 互動式產品影像,協助用家突破傳統電子商貿框架,加強顧客與產品互動。不論是各大企業或是初創商戶,DIGPRO為你捕捉電子商貿市場的潛在商機。 |
Logistics |
美時燃氣設備有限公司, 自然不需要裝飾,天然就是餐桌上最好的味道!“O”代表有機,“zakka”是一個日語單詞,指專售各種物品的小商店。 Ozakka尊重大自然,從食物與生活中慢慢匯集,品嚐有機生活帶來的滿足感以及與自然和諧並存的關係,體驗真正有機生活。我們相信最好吃的味道,總是來自用心培育的天然食材。
只要安坐家中,便可在Ozakka.com 點選我們從世界各地用心挑選價錢合理,品質上乘的有機天然食材及產品。
Ozakka為追求健康、自然生活的你提供最佳選擇!我們代理一系列天然野生蜂蜜、有機蜂蜜、有機食材、調味料及健康生活產品。 |
易系統科技有限公司, ECST Cloud ERP集銷售、採購、會計多個功能的企業資源規劃系統;配合先進的資訊科技、穩定的數據庫作為後盾,迎合現今企業電子商貿 (E-Commerce) 的策略,系統雲端化,助用戶隨時隨地實時操作,務求以最少的資源更快速地完成工作,幫助企業迅速發展。 |
E.S. Fashion Limited
Price Club Limited
百怡行有限公司- Garments
Tomax Logistics (HK) Limited
E-commerce System Technology Ltd
E.S. FASHIONS LTD. is a professional garment manufacturer with office in Hong Kong and factories in China and Cambodia. We are exporting ladies', men and children knitted sweaters, cut & sewn and woven wears as well as loungewears to Japan, Canada , USA, Europe and Australia.
Jacket - Men ( Excl Ski-Jacket ), Jacket - Ladies ( Excl Ski-Jacket ), Shirt - Woven & Knitted, Shirt - Silk, Trousers (Pants), Silk Garment, Tee & Sweat Shirts, Golf Apparel
昇煌物流香港有限公司于2004年成立,並成為香港和中國的國際貨運代理, 本司經上海市外國投資委員會和上海市工商管理部門的審批,獲理了國際貨運代理許可的獨資國際物流企業,公司名稱為:上海升煌國際貨運代理有限公司于2009年成立,一直致於海運、空運、進出口貨物的國際貨物運輸代理業務,以優質服務立足於航運服務市場。 |
卓智互聯網服務有限公司是香港一家領先的虛擬主機公司,是香港特別行政區其中一家 OFCA 授權的營運商,至今服務超過 5000 客戶。我們擁有自己 BGP 網路,AS 編號及 IP 地址。我們的使命是提供優質且實惠的服務,目標提供健全和可靠的網頁及電郵寄存服務。
TAN-studio co.聽工作室
Website & APP development
營銷策劃, 美妝銷售 |
膠袋生產商/印刷/包裝 |
TAN-studio Co. began developing and hosting websites in 2009. Since then, TAN-studio Co. has launched over 500 sites. Our success is based on comprehensive website design, website development, mobile development, app development, hosting and support solutions for small, mid-size, and large businesses. Our expert marketing consultants identify your business needs and guide you through all phases of website development, including strategy, development, implementation, and site maintenance.
Web development is a rapidly changing landscape and to satisfy high client demands, our staff are experienced in technologies such as PHP, ASP, JSP, HTML5, CSS3, JS, ajax, jQuery, etc. Moreover, we are versed in APIs including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, WeChat as well as integration with payment gateways.
Established in 1995, we have over 20 years of experience working with European and American fashion markets in the design, development and production processes. We are a
growing manufacturer & exporter of fashion garments located in Guangzhou, China.Our long-term
cooperation brand has
Mad Mok 莫綺雯
NSC LTD (香港創辦人)
RedIN網紅網 (香港執行董事)
紅品文化 (廣州創辦人)
抖音星圖 (港澳台指定服務商)
喜只貓科技網絡 (香港總代理)
騰訊廣點通 (指定服務商)
香港首個素人平台REDDIE CLUB (創辦人)
作為一家中國整合營銷策劃公司,我們擁有精通中國新媒體各平台的內容策劃團隊,及針對不同行業客戶的服務經驗。業務範圍包括 網紅直播,小紅書,抖音,微信運營/商城建設,騰訊廣告, 社群營銷,淘寶天貓開店 等...。以多年累積之案例,結合實戰經驗,為不同行業之客戶提供相應的解決方案。竭誠為客戶提供專業優質全方位中國營銷策劃服務,讓你的品牌快速滲透中國,搶先捕捉新零售機遇!
大通膠皮公司,成立於1987年,主要銷售韓國、台灣、國產PU、PVC人造皮革、布類后加工特殊鞋、手袋原料,為本地、國內和東南亞市場服務。 |